Friday, April 16, 2010

stiff and sore recovery run

I am stiff after yesterday's intense run, but that's to be expected. I decided to run this morning just to flush some of the gunk out of my quads and hams. It was a good run. I was really stiff at the beginning, but I eventually got into a groove. I thought about doing two laps at Liberty, but I settled on just one knowing that I had a bunch of work on my desk and still lots of homework. I figured that the extra 15 minutes in the park could be better spent writing a paper. Although, now that I read that sentence, I think that the extra 15 minutes should have been spent running. Oh well. I was tired and sore, but by the end of my run my legs were on auto-pilot, so it was good. I forgot my watch this morning, so I'm basing my time off of what the clocks read when I left the building and returned. So, my approximate average pace was 11:07mpm for the 4.5 miles. Close enough.

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