Friday, January 23, 2009

Not the best pre-run meal...

Lizzy and I ran to Grimm's Gate again tonight. I only took one walk break of 15 seconds after pulling weeds off of her feet. That's really good for me! I also ran on full stomach of buffalo wings and 1/2 picture of beer two hours earlier. Really, not a good idea. After runnining for 3.3 miles with it sloshing around, I really had to get home and into the bathroom. Perhaps that's why I had such a great negative split - almost 5 minutes difference! Pace was 10:40 mpm. Not bad considering the slosh.


Deene said...

you must have a tough stomach to complete that distance with wing spices sloshing around.

TooeleTwins said...

seriously - stomach of steel - thank goodness for some of the uber-spicy stuff that I put into it!