Monday, September 10, 2012


After Carol's 1/2 marathon on Saturday (3000' downhill - ouch on the quads - but she took 2nd in her division!), she was looking for another day of rest, so I ran Sugarhouse on my own. It was a decent run - partly because I carb loaded all weekend long! You see, we spent the weekend with friends who served vegetables once the entire weekend - and that was in a mayo soaked coleslaw. OK. Fine. There was mayo heavy potato salad and butter heavy mashed potatoes. Other than that, it was pasta, pasta, meat, meat, and some fruit. Bub and I were SO bloated by the time we got home. (No, the beers didn't help...) I had planned to get up and run in their neighborhood, but that didn't work out well as Peanut woke every time I so much as scratched my nose. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the carrot sticks and beans that I brought for lunch today, and I think that nice salad will hit the spot tonight! Oh, and about the run, it was humid (43%) and not particularly exciting, but I got the miles in and I'm ready for the rest of the day. Stats: 5.5 miles in 57:30 for a 10:28mpm pace

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