11 years ago
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sympathy gain
It's obvious that I have taken four days off. The start of this run was just yuck for the first mile. There was no groove to find until about half way through. But, it was fun to run with Carol again now that she's back from her super-fun cruise. She gained an entire pound. I gained the weight for her instead.
Stats: 5.46 miles in 58:27 for a 10:43mpm pace
Friday, May 25, 2012
wiped out
Ug! I was just tired this morning! My legs (especially quads) are still feeling the effects of yesterday's yoga, and weight class just exacerbated the problem. So, I felt like I was running through water most of the time. It's actually an all-over body thing. I think that I just need some sleep since it has been severely lacking and/or interrupted all week long. I just did a quick 3 after weight class today; I'm happy that it wasn't more!
Stats: 3.1 miles in 32:28 for a 10:29mpm pace
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Today was perfect weather for a run. Too bad my legs were stiff from yesterday, and my brain was consumed by my checking account. Still, it was a good run, and I'm glad that I did it. I considered cutting it in half because I was so irritated by what I saw on my bank account, but I decided to just tough it out and finish the distance I had scheduled. I'm glad that I did. I hope that it did something for my mental state. I'm as irritated as I was pre-run, but just imagine how much MORE irritated I would be if I hadn't gone out! (At least, that's what I'm telling myself.)
Stats: 7 miles in 1:13:09 for a 10:27mpm pace
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
it's getting hot in here....
Oh, how I dislike the heat! I'm running alone all week because Carol is busy relaxing on a cruise. Tough life, yes? After Saturday's race, I took it easy on Sunday. We had a graduation party to attend, and the boys just felt yucky. By 5pm, they both had fevers. We mostly sat around and hugged on them. I took yesterday off of work to get some stuff done around the yard. I succeeded, but my veggie plot still has some weeds. Today was my first run since Saturday. It was also my first weight class for 10 days, and I felt it! My run was hot, but it was a good pace. I did the downtown loop because I need to add in some of the miles that I missed from yesterday.
Stats: 5.46 miles in 55:21 for a 10:09mpm pace
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Ogden Marathon Relay Race Report
I ran this race as part of a relay team for the Ogden marathon. It was pretty fun, but really cold until the sun finally came up over the mountains. While waiting for my relay handoff (I was runner #2), I saw my current VP run past. His pace was really good, and I had a good feeling that he would BQ. Turns out, he did! YAY! As for my run, the dinner from the night before didn't agree well with me, so, well let's leave it at that. I still had a good pace.
The first mile was 10:10.
The second mile was 10:20 as I ran with the 4:30 pace group. I think that I could actually stick with that pace group by next year for a full 'thon.
The next two miles were exactly 10:00, and the final two miles were both 9:45.
I felt really good about my run. I stopped once for about 10 seconds to stretch my quads. Everything else was really nice. The run through Huntsville and Eden was beautiful. I could totally live up there!
Stats: 6 miles in 59:55 for a 10mpm pace
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
good (surprisingly) pace for a long run
We had another sleepover at Granny's and Gramp's house last night, so I figured I might as well get my long run in today. I didn't drink NEARLY enough water yesterday to make this run feel good, though. By the time I got to Sugarhouse Park and ran into a wall of sprinklers, I decided to just run the road through the park. I knew that this would shorten my distance, but I was SO wiped out that I didn't care. I thought that if I ran to Main and Grove's for my ending spot, I would make up the distance. I was .1 mile off of the last time I ran from Granny's, and .2 off of 13 miles (which was my goal). BUT, close enough! I felt so tired, and by the way I've been sucking down water since I got to my desk, I'm shocked at my pace.
12.84 miles in 2:15:51 for a 10:35mpm pace
Monday, May 14, 2012
Good morning, morning....
It was nice to be running with Carol again. She took last week off to rehab her knee as it was giving her some twinges and pain. She said that we were going to go slow, but she was full of hooey. A sub-11 pace just is NOT slow (at least not for us). It was nice to chat with her, and she did a good job pushing the pace (which was good because I probably would have wussed around after my run yesterday).
Stats: 5.46 miles in 59:30 for a 10:54mpm pace
Sunday, May 13, 2012
This was not a difficult run once I got out the door. It gave me a LOT of time to think about the last couple of days. Turns out that we don't have to find out why the check engine light keeps coming on in the Honda (we've had it checked several times) because Bub rear-ended someone. It sucked. It was on today's run that I remembered that we have to pay a deductible. Don't know where that is going to come from. The brakes on the Dodge are grinding and are just awful. Of course, we don't have the money to fix them, but we have to anyway. And, at about mile 9, I realized that it was Mother's Day. Well, I knew it all along, but I was passing the cemetary and it just hit me. Everything did. I had to stop and bend over and make myself calm down. Otherwise, I would have had a complete meltdown. Instead, it was just a few tears.
Stats: 10.16 miles in 1:47:00 for a 10:32mpm pace
Friday, May 11, 2012
good morning!
Unfortunately, Carol's knee has a bit of a twinge in it. Best to let it rest, don't you think? So, she did, although I think that it mentally bugged her more than any pain she would have felt. Because of that, my run should have been very quiet, but there were a lot of people out this morning. There was an entire class of boys (from a local elementary or boys/girls club?) out running this morning. Uncharacteristic of me (I usually just nod or wave), I said "good morning" to every single person that I passed. Those running boys were so cute. Every one of them responded very politely. It was perfect temperatures for a run, and I managed to only stop for traffic one time. I still managed a decent pace in spite of another killer weight class.
Stats: 3.1 miles in 31:46 for a 10:15mpm pace
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
happy birthday to me!
I'm nice and stiff after yesterday's weight class and 5.5 miler. My chest is sore which made me notice every single bounce of my boobs. My shoulders are sore which made me notice every single jerk on the dog leash. My legs are sore which made me notice every single step. Still, I am happy that I got out the door and got a decent amount of distance in. I ran with Sadie for the first 4.5 miles. She was better behaved than any other run I've taken her on. Then, I dropped her at the house and took ol' Lizzy for a mile. She was done after that. It was a beautiful morning with a perfect breeze - Mother Nature's birthday gift to me!
Stats: 5.67 miles in 1:03:09 for an 11:09mpm pace
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Awesome, right? (I'm trying to talk myself out of painful words like "miserable")
Weight class this morning was a bitch. My arms were shaking and my legs were cramping. Awesome, right? I was scheduled to do a 3-miler this morning, but I had some extra time, and I'm staying late at work, so I snuck in an additional 2.5. It was even in Sugarhouse Park which means that I had a slow steady climb up and two hills in the park. I was tired! However, my pace was really good, and I was excited to see my overall time.
Stats: 5.5 miles in 57:26 for a 10:27mpm pace
Monday, May 7, 2012
and, about that hydration....
This was a decent run. I ran the downtown loop in reverse with an extra 1/2 mile at the end for an even 6 miles. I realized at about 1/2 mile that I hadn't had ANY water to drink yesterday... unless you count the ice in my cocktail. Stupid move. Sometimes, I completely sabotage myself, and it's just ridiculous. I wasn't thinking about water AT ALL yesterday, but I DID manage to get another blackberry patch cleared up. Oh, I also didn't run at all this weekend. I was supposed to run 8 miles, but I was so exhausted. I turned off my alarm and laid down on the couch instead.
Stats: 6.04 miles in 1:01:21 for a 10:10mpm pace
Thursday, May 3, 2012
ahhh - nice!
This run didn't seem fast or great or overly exerting, but then I input our time and realized that it was really good! We talked the entire time, of course, and we had a great time. (Well, Carol did after her nausea went away.) There were a LOT more people out this morning. Apparently, they all come out to run after 7:30 as Liberty Park was packed. It was just a nice run, overall.
Stats: 5.31 miles in 57:33 for a 10:51mpm pace
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
good conversation = easy run
Carol's still battling nausea in the first couple of miles for every run, but we expect it to get better soon. Because of that, we slowed our pace a bit. We also managed to hit every red light on the route which gave us plenty of breathers. Lots of good conversation always makes for lots of fun regardless of our pace.
Stats: 5.46 miles in 1:01:18 for an 11:14mpm pace
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Ug. I'm not used to the warm temps yet. This run felt really sluggish - probably because of the weight workout this morning + sitting at my desk all day working on one report + blood donation yesterady. I did a quick 3 and got back just in time to go to swim lessons with the boys.
Stats: 3.1 miles in 31:06 for a 10:02mpm pace
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