Saturday, March 5, 2016


OMG - longest run since Utah Valley Marathon in 2011!
18 miles!
Met Charlie, Meg, and Sandra at Elton Park. We made our way up and down Smelter.
Then, we turned to Pine Canyon at Erickson Road. Through Pine Canyon to the trailhead on Churchwood Road. Then, we had about 4.5 miles on the trails. Fun, but rocky, and the rollers were tough. I was pooped.
Then, everyone else stopped at 14, but I ran back through Pine Canyon and back to the park.
18 miles exactly.
At the end, I almost couldn't get into the truck. OMG - everything hurt so badly!
I came home and did an "ice" bath (which for me is barely cold water), but it was a good idea as I felt fantastic later in the day and all the next day.
It was a really good run with lots of chatting with Meg as we kept together almost the entire time.
Stats: 18 miles in 3:34:03 for an 11:35mpm pace

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