357 TRC run - but at 457 - whatever...
We ran through and around and zigzagged Stansbury Park. I couldn't do it again if I tried.
Charlie and I chatted the entire way. It was great. He's such a funny guy, and I really enjoy his stories and advice.
Then, I made a pit stop before going to the park & ride. I figured I had 20 minutes left and plenty of time for another 1.5 miles. However, it was more like 2 miles, and I ended up hauling ass but missed the bus anyway - as in I was getting stuff out of my truck when he pulled away. So, I had to chase him from the grist mill to Lakepoint. Even then, I almost missed him! Good grief! (I was running an 8:30mpm pace at the end, though...)
Stats: 6.25 miles in 1:11:57 for an 11:31mpm pace
11 years ago