Same route as yesterday, but my first mile was 30 seconds slower! When I looked down and saw 11:40, I just about flipped out! I redeemed myself for the most part, though. I didn't do any speedwork - just a steady pace for the remaining 2.7 miles averagine 10:17mpm for those 2+ miles. It was nice and cool. I'm happy to get the miles in now because it will be HOT soon!
The super irritating part is this: As I was running (on the wrong side of the road), I heard an ambulance coming up. Knowing that I was on the wrong side, I was running on the very edge of the road to be as safe as possible. Then, I thought "cars are going to be pulling over, maybe I should run on the dirt for just a bit." As soon as I stepped off of the edge of the road and onto the dirt, a car drove by IN the parking lane at easily 50mph. Not STOPPING, mind you. If I hadn't stepped off, they would have hit me. Grrrrr....
Stats: 3.69 miles in 39:17 for a 10:39mpm pa
11 years ago