Thursday, September 29, 2011


I haven't run Liberty for a while (because I know that we'll get plenty of laps there once winter descends), but I needed a short, safe loop for a solo run. It was a good run - there were lots of 20-something girls out with dogs - I think that they're all students who have returned for fall classes. The air was brisk, and I tried to match with my pace. I did OK. I had to be back and get ready in time to leave for a conference in Logan, so I only did one lap.
Stats: 4.5 miles in 47:43 for a 10:37mpm pace

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This was a nice run - short because I have my last UK training today. Yay! I just ran to Liberty and back carrying my pepper spray (which I forgot yesterday) but dressed in all dark colors - of course I forgot my reflector vest today. Sometimes, it's a wonder that I actually get from home to work in one piece - there is just too much going on for my teeny little brain!
Stats: 3.1 miles in 33:30 for a 10:49mpm pace

Monday, September 26, 2011

speech "writing"

Carol is on vacation this entire week. I hope that she is having a GREAT time while the rest of us are slogging it out at work. I have a very busy morning, and without Carol to run with I was VERY tempted to skip the run. However, I (rightly) decided to go for a 4-miler. I managed to run the entire time (ZERO walk breaks!) and composed the basic speech that I need to give in just 2 hours to celebrate a co-worker and friend. So, not a wasted time at all!
Stats: 4.06 miles in 42:47 for a 10:33mpm pace

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm getting tired of short runs (who really says/admits that?)

These quickie runs are getting old. This was another short run so that I could be back in time for yoga. No, I'm not giving up yoga. I actually held a very messy version of crow pose this morning for about 30 seconds! Then, I fell on my head. I only have one more UK training next week, then I should only have two short runs per week. The plan is to do 5, 3, 5, 3, 5+ Monday-Friday. Can't wait! I'm still on target for 1000 miles (barely) this year.
Stats: 3.1 miles in 33:19 for 10:45mpm pace

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Venting, bitching, letting it go = consistent pace!

This was a very easy run for me because I was bitching the entire time. (Yesterday was quite a day at work.) Apparently, getting things off of my chest is a good way for me to maintain a decent pace! Who knew?!?! We just ran up to 11th East in Sugarhouse and looped around to 17th South before coming back to work. It was quick, easy, and it wasn't a normal route (yay! those are getting SO BORING).
Stats: 4.06 miles in 44:31 for a 10:58mpm pace

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Already need a new 3-mile route!

Just another quick and easy run before yet another training session with the UK. Luckily, these sessions are almost over. I was actually jealous of Carol as she walked off to be tortured in lift class!
Stats: 3.07 miles in 34:05 for a 11:07mpm pace

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Sunday run? Weird!

A rare Sunday run (lately) was just what I needed! The boys spent the night at dad's house, so I got up and ran most of the way out there this morning. I would have run the entire distance, but Bub just couldn't wait to pick them up any longer, so she met me at the church. I happily opted to forego the last mile in order to hear the squeals and screams of "Mommy!" that we get when we pick them up. They had a good time, and I had a good run. (Bub and I had fun last night, too. We watched the Utes kick the snot out of BYU. 54-10. It was awesome!)
Stats: 5.8 miles in 59:01 for a 10:11mpm pace

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mindless, because our minds were too stressed!

This run was just a straight shot down Main Street and back so that Carol and I would be back in time for yoga. We (at least, I) didn't even think about this run just being a straight line. Last night was pretty stressful for both of us, so we just took turns ranting and listening. Nobody listens like Carol (except maybe Lish, and I'm not just saying that because she reads this). Yoga was really good today; it was very calming after having the opportunity to release the stress from last night on our run. Oooohhhhhmmmmm.... It took me 45 minutes of stretching, balancing, twisting, and straining before I finally relaxed right at the end of class. Oh, and a group of us are starting lunchtime yoga on Fridays. We won't have an instructor, but we will have DVDs. It's gotta be good, right?
Stats: 3.21 miles in 36:01 for an 11:14mpm pace
(slower than I wanted, but better than it felt)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

another quickie

This was really nothing exceptional at all. Carol and I did the Liberty loop because I had training with the UK again today (which they scheduled about three minutes after I walked out the door - dang - could have run longer!). We had more sidewalk running than normal because we ran along 7th East, and it was poorly lit, so we both were running a tad slower than we wanted. I felt like we could have pushed the pace, but one of us surely would have fallen. Oh well. It's in the books now.
Stats: 4.49 miles in 50:33 for an 11:16mpm pace

Monday, September 12, 2011

Git 'er done!

This was quick and easy. I didn't realize that I had UK training again this morning until we were just walking out the door. We just did a quick SoSaLa loop - hardly even got out of the Tanner neighborhood!
Stats: 2.96 miles in 32:45 for a 11:04mpm pace

Saturday, September 10, 2011

10k PR!!!

Since I have only ever run one other official 10k, this is a definite PR for me! The race was down Tooele's Middle Canyon - a pretty course that was definitely downhill. Carol and I ran it together, and every mile was a sub-10 pace. The last mile was a bit slower because it had an official uphill and she was battling some nausea, but it was a great run for both of us!
Stats: 6.2 miles in 59:23 for a 9:35mpm pace

Friday, September 9, 2011

nice downtown run

This was a really nice run. Carol had done a 45 minute cardio/weight class right before, so she was tired, but you can't tell it from our time! We did the downtown route and got plenty of red-light breaks since we left an hour later than normal. The weather was really nice, and the conversation was awesome.
Stats: 5.46 miles in 59:07 for a 10:50mpm pace

Thursday, September 8, 2011

thank goodness for yoga (can't believe I'm saying that)

This was just another quick run that we fit in before yoga. We were still super stiff and sore from Tuesday's weight workout, and yesterday's run just made that stiffness 5x worse! So, we weren't terribly fast. We were looking forward to yoga, and it didn't disappoint. There is still some soreness, but the stiffness has basically been stretched away. I love yoga. Too bad I look like an ox mimicing a snake...
Stats: 3.1 miles in 34:50 for a 11:15mpm pace

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

nice to just get out there

Carol and I ran Sugarhouse Park for the first time in weeks. It was a good run. We're both suffering from stiff tushies weight class yesterday, but I'll be doing some afternoon yoga/stretching to hopefully remedy that particular situation. We did a lot of chatting, and we purposely chose to go slowly since she hadn't run for a week. We powered up each of the three hills without bitching, so that's always a good run! the pace wasn't blistering fast, but we weren't looking for that. Maybe tomorrow before yoga...
Stats: 5.6 miles in 1:04:15 for an 11:29mpm pace

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another quickie - I'm going to get sick of this route fast if this keeps up!

I ran today AFTER weight class, and I could feel it the entire time. My legs were wobbly, but I had limited time again. I really had to kick out the 3 miles and be back in time for a meeting. I will say that I am sporting a ponytail, but at least I managed to get sponged off and put some make-up on. I am presentable.
Stats: 3.1 miles in 32:03 for a 10:21mpm pace

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... 63*! It was heavenly! I ran another quick three-ish miler so that I could get back for yoga. At these temperatures, though, I could have run ten without bitching even once! I ran on different streets than normal because I'm so sick of the regular routes. However, that meant that the streets were darker than the usual well-lit streets, and I felt like I was going to take a tumble at any moment. Luckily, I finished without injury. Then, in yoga class, we attempted to do a "standing L" pose. Let's just say that I have a lot of work to do. I DID manage to get up on the wall. After that, not so "L"-ish.
Stats: 3.17 miles in 33:16 for a 10:30mpm pace