Monday, April 30, 2012

beautiful running weather!

Well, Carol is out of the office today, so I had another solo run. I chose Sugarhouse Park because we don't do it much anymore, and I was going to get 7 miles in. At least, that was my goal. Then, I remembered how much I have to do at work, so I opted for only one lap of the park. I did, however, add an additional 1/2 mile at the end of the run, so I got at least what was planned for the day. It was a pretty morning, and I was surprised to only see two other people out running/walking. Sure, it's a bit nippy, but that's perfect for a run! Pretty soon, we're going to be in the 70s every morning, and it will be miserable. I prefer to take advantage of it now - while I can! Stats: 6.15 miles in 1:03:12 for a 10:17mpm pace

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