Friday, June 26, 2009

Positive vibes today

Good run from work to Sugarhouse, 2 laps there and back to work. Total 6.9 miles with a 10:59mpm pace. I haven't run this route for quite a while. It wasn't as hard as I remember it. That means progress!
I remember during leg 1 of the relay (when I was so tired and my legs were so noodley) I thought that I was a complete moron for getting myself into that mess. Then, during leg 2 (and maybe it was sleep deprivation talking) I was thinking that I could do anything because, after all, I DID pass someone ON A HILL. (I'll only mention that about 17 more times before it loses its cool factor.)
Then, I was begging the fates and the heavens for every street marker to be the "1 mile to go" notice during leg 3 (which was flat).
Today, I was back to thinking that there is a running goddess trapped under this flabby belly. I can do this, right?

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