Tuesday, February 16, 2016

so overdressed

Mid-February and I was baking?
I didn't run in the morning as was the original plan. Instead, I ran at 2:30 in the afternoon. The temps were in the mid-50s, and I had packed a long-sleeved technical and long tights. I totally regretted it.
I started at the Flying J in Lakepoint and ran along Lake Shore Drive (which sounds so much more beautiful and affluent than it really is) until I got to Shepherd. Then, down to Center, over to Saddleback, and back to the truck. I finished with just enough time to change my clothes and get to the boys' parent-teacher conferences. (They are brilliant and doing great in school, of course.)

My main focus of the run was to monitor my heart rate to see when I'm in the fat burning zone. Unlike DDPY, apparently I can get into my zone rather quickly when running. It turns out that if I'm going at a 10:30mpm pace, I'm at my fat burn zone.
DDPY? Man - I'm going to have to engage the living hell out of every damn muscle to get anywhere close to the heart rate I have at a 10:30 pace! But, I guess that's the point, right?

Oh, besides being SO hot, my run was great. I had to slow myself down, and I even - uncharacteristically - let out a whoop at about mid-run. I just wanted to spread my arms and fly.

Stats: 4.56 miles in 50:21 for an 11mpm pace

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