Saturday, February 27, 2016

Don't ease back in...

After being sick for most of the week, I knew that I needed to get some decent time in. Instead of easing into the workout, I chose Double Black Diamond.
But, there's actually more to it than that.

I was scheduled to run 10 miles. And, what a great day - it was TRC's monthly trail day. So, the plan was to run the two miles from the house up to the gate at Settlement to meet the group. Then, do six miles on trail, and come back home. Then, I would get my DDPY in, and all would be well in the world.

Imagine my surprise when I walked downstairs to get some socks and my fanny pack water bottle and I walked onto a soaking wet carpet. And, more soaking wet carpet. And MORE soaking wet carpet. Son of a bitch!
No trail run for me!

We spent a couple of hours trying to soak up the water, but there was too much.

Turns out, the problem was the pressure release valve. We don't know why it released. We don't know why the pressure was wonky. We do know that there was water all over from hell to breakfast.
After the water heater guy came over and diagnosed the problem, we got a call into the insurance company, and the restoration company.

We realized that we couldn't do anything more, so I changed my clothes and stuck in Double Black Diamond. I had to stop a couple of times to answer phone calls from the insurance and restoration folks, and this was probably good because I was wiped out. This was my first DDPY workout in about a week, and I chose DBD? Ack!

Afterwards, I felt awesome.

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