Friday, December 30, 2011

Strange weather!

The pace was awesome - probably because Carol and I had so much to catch up on since we haven't seen each other for a week! We ran the downtown loop. I was wearing short sleeves and she was in shorts. I was wishing for my shorts by the end. It is the 30th of December, and it's 48* at the start of our run? Crazy. (It's supposed to reach 60* by this afternoon.) We'll get hit soon enough. The new shoes are absolutely wonderful. Wonderful! (But, compared to the 700 mile shoes that I'm coming off of, just about anything would be an improvement.) Best gift the not-legal-in-laws have ever given me!
Stats: 5.46 miles in 58:30 for a 10:43mpm pace

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

boys, jogger, 100+

I took the boys in the jogger today. It was the first that they had been out of the house for days since they have been sick with fevers, coughs, and overall miserable-ness. This wasn't a fast run, but I didn't expect it too. When they are in the jogger, I'm pushing over 100 pounds, so I'm just happy to be out and sweating. I haven't been for a run in a week, either, because nobody has been sleeping well, I had last minute holiday stuff to do, and I just didn't have it in me to fit it in to my schedule. For some reason, I don't much care right now. I missed my goal of 1000 miles in the year, but I'm blaming grad school for that. Considering everything that has happened this year, I think that I did just fine.
Stats: 3.22 miles in 38-ish for a 11:49mpm pace (in my new kicks, by the way - that was a surprise christmas present!)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

27* in shorts!

OK - our weight class was SO FREAKIN' HARD this morning. SO HARD! Our instructor (who is, literally, a grandma of 11) kicked our butts - well, actually, our quads, hammies, inner thighs, and glutes - harsh! So, we were going to be happy with a 15mpm pace if that's what happened! Instead, maybe we were just really warmed up or we had lost the ability to feel pain or something because we rocked this morning. The weight class was in a different room which was VERY hot, so we even did our mileage this morning in shorts. Yup - 27* in shorts...
Stats: 3.4 miles in 36:40 for a 10:48mpm pace

Friday, December 16, 2011

Grazing Day

It's GRAZING DAY in our department today, so I ran a bit extra to burn off the calories before I eat them. Yummy goodies like brownies, baklava, tiramisu, cookies, chips/salsa, dips, breads, sandwiches, cheese balls... Really, everything under the sun! I LOVE THIS DAY - it helps me maintain my (plump) girlish figure! Seriously, there's just such a sense of family when everyone is gathered around a huge (3 conference rooms) potluck. Anyway, back to my run. I did two laps of Sugarhouse Park plus the distance up and back. I was the ONLY person in the park until the last 1/2 mile of my run. It was quiet and chilly and beautiful.
Stats: 7 miles in 1:12:26 for a 10:21mpm pace

Monday, December 12, 2011

Felt free

This was a really good run. I did two laps in Sugarhouse Park and then back to work after back-to-back doctor appointments. The second was with my dermatologist where he let me know that all of my freckles are still in check. Yay! The first was with an ENT who basically told me that there is a 90% chance that I was misdiagnosed with Meniere's 10-12 years ago and that I probably have patulous eustachian tube problems. I need to do a bunch more research on this, but I felt "free" during my run. Not that Meniere's is a death sentence, but the eventual loss of hearing, and the progressive worsening of episodes, and the like are just not good for the spirit! To have these possibly removed from my future is a true psychological lightening of my load. More tests (during episodes) will be needed, but it got me to thinking. More on that to come.
Stats: 5.68 miles in 56:22 for a 10:06mpm pace

Friday, December 9, 2011

nice and easy

This was just a nice easy run. Carol and I talked and chatted the entire time over everything and nothing at once. The temperatures were brisk (yes, I'm finally used to winter), and I think that I was just happy to be out before the first red burn is declared for the season (expected this weekend or early next week).
Stats: 5.17 miles in 57:50 for a 11:12mpm pace

Thursday, December 8, 2011

decidedly UNscenic

Well, this was a bleck run. I had to run back to my mechanic to pick something up (yes, the POS is finally fixed - for now!), so we ran through the industrial section of SoSaLa. Um, blah. Yoga was fun, though. I'll just use that as my boost for the day because the run just didn't do much for me, and Carol was feeling pukey the whole time. Just not a party for today....
Stats: 3.37 miles in 36:09 for a 10:44mpm pace

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This was a good cathartic run. We kept our pace consistent no matter what we were talking about, and there was a good amount of talking. You know when all of the little thigns just seem to pile up to the point where you are about to go nuts? Just getting them off your chest makes everything seem a bit better. That's what Carol and I use these morning runs for on a semi-regular basis. One of us needs to blow off some steam, and the other one listens and listens and listens if necessary. That's what friends do; some do it over a cup of coffee, but we do it while running. (Besides, I hate coffee.....)
Stats: 5.46 miles in 58:38 for a 10:45mpm pace

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mammo, done!

So, after a morning of squats and tricep dips while waiting for my mammogram (oh! the joy!), I ran from the hospital to work. I've gotta get here somehow, right? I was very, very happy to have both my running tights and some pants on because my lower section is only mildly cold. I did, however, forget my ear warmers, so they are still plenty tingley. Run? Check! Some strength exercises? Check! Boobs squished? Check!
Stats: 4.72 miles in 48:05 for a 10:12mpm pace

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gotta get some miles in!

It was much too cold to run this morning, so I grabbed a few miles when I had no meetings this afternoon. Truth be told, I had plenty of work to do, but I had to choose and I chose workOUT considering the ridiculous amount of crap that I ate over the weekend. This sounds stupid, but weekends SUCK at least in terms of healthy behavior (for me). I need to change that. Baby step #1, right?
Stats: 3 miles in 31:26 for a 10:29mpm pace

Friday, December 2, 2011

News worthy (?)

We wimped out of our run yesterday after yoga because the winds were ridiculous. (80-100mph just one county north of here!) Since the winds were coming from the northeast, it brought along lots of COLD AIR! I'm headed off to get some hot tea in just a minute to try to warm up! We ran downtown because we haven't done that route for a couple of weeks, and we were on the news (KUTV)! They were broadcasting outside like they often do when we ran past. I'm sure that we were so fast that we were just a blur in the background, though. (Yeah, right.)
Stats: 5.46 miles in 57:21 for a 10:31mpm pace