Thursday, May 26, 2011

surprising pace

I ran three separate loops this morning. The first was 5.1 miles around Liberty. Then, I stopped at work and picked Carol up, and we ran 5.35 through Sugarhouse neighborhoods. Then, I did another 6 on my own on the downtown loop. The last 4 miles were not really fun, but I tried my best to stay consistent. I'm pleased with my efforts today. It might be that my longest run before the marathon is 17 miles. I hope not. I'll try to get a 20 or 22 miler in next week, but I'm not super optimistic. I guess we'll see what happens!
Stats: 16.45 miles in 2:59:59 for a 10:57mpm pace

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

running with my buddy

Ahhhhhh, someone to TALK to! Carol is back to running again, and we didn't shut up for the whole run. We were supposed to be going slowly for her and short for me, and the Liberty loop seemed to fly by. Well, actually, I was supposed to run long this morning, but I got to work an hour later than expected and knew that I would have the time. So, maybe tomorrow? Anyway, we were definitely going to run slow for Carol since she has only run twice in five weeks. Even then, our pace was sub-11. It was good. The weather was perfect, the company was very nice, and the effort wasn't big.
Stats: 4.5 miles in 49:21 for a 10:58mpm pace

Monday, May 23, 2011

felt hotter than it really was!

This was a good run on the downtown loop. I didn't manage a long run this weekend for various reasons (like little people birthday party, hangin' with the ex, rain, rain, playing trains, rain, hangin' at the park), so I was nice and rested for this run. The wind was at my back for the first half of the run, but that means that I was into the wind for the second half (yuck), and it was a warm wind (62* out - blah!). So, I tried to really drive my pace on miles 3-5.5, and it paid off!
Stats: 5.46 miles in 54:41 for a 10:01mpm pace

Friday, May 20, 2011

Felt fresh

This was a good run. It felt good. I'm almost free from all dizziness brought on by this particular episode, and the brain fog finally lifted yesterday. (Man, I hate the brain fog part almost as much as the spins. Well, no. I take that back. The spins full-on SUCK.) Anyway, I ran downtown today, and it started to sprinkle on the way back. The first three miles felt great, andthe last 2.5 felt pretty good. My muscles just felt fresh! Carol's hip is feeling much better, so I hope to be running with her again next week. I miss the conversations!
Stats: 5.46 miles in 56:05 for a 10:17mpm pace

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Damn equilibrium.....

After two days of vertigo, I was able to run again today. It felt good. I still have Meniere's induced brain fog, my left ear is still ringing like a church bell, and I'm still a tad unsteady on my feet, BUT it felt good to get out even if it was raining for the entire time I was out! Like - rain, rain - not even sprinkles. My feet were soaked due to a big puddle that I just couldn't avoid before I had even crossed State Street. The entire run was like that. I really had to focus in order to run through the brain fog - it's like I'm running and trying to catch up to myself all at the same time. I know where my body is, but it feels like my brain and vision are about ten steps behind my body. It's really weird and hard to explain. Anyway, the only place I had a hard time was on 13th South where the driveways and the sidewalk are one and they are incredibly uneven. I felt like I was always about to fall on this short stretch.
Stats: 5 miles in 52:35 for a 10:31mpm pace

Monday, May 16, 2011


Easy and short run on the Liberty loop this morning. I should have done seven or eight, but I got started late and it was windy (which I hate). So, I wussed out. I'll run longer tomorrow. On an unrelated note, I like the scale here at work much better than the one at home because it says that I am seven pounds lighter than the home scale reads.
Stats: 4.5 miles in 46:54 for a 10:26mpm pace

Friday, May 13, 2011

17 that felt better than 15

I did the same route as last week but added an outside lap at Sugarhouse. I felt pretty consistent with my pace until the last couple of miles. I probably could have slogged out another mile, maybe even two, but I do actually have to work.
I had the soundtrack from Les Miserables going through my head the entire time. After three hours, that gets old.
Stats: 17.1 miles in 3:12:37 for an 11:16mpm pace

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I couldn't bear the thought of another Liberty lap, so I basically just zig-zagged streets through SoSaLa. There was no rain (and shouldn't be until next week). The temps were in the 40s, so I felt great with a short sleeved shirt. It was nice, and I saw a lot of cute little houses. It was nothing too exciting, though. I was supposed to be thinking about the paper that I need to re-submit for school, but I (easily) managed to forget all about it.
Stats: 5.19 miles in 52:42 for a 10:10mpm pace

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Could I do it?

As I was running today, I calculated my 'thon time if I ran 11mpm: 4:48 and change. That would not be horrible. In fact, it would be an 11 minute PR. I think that I will start the Utah Valley with the 11:30mpm pace group and just try to stay between them and the 11mpm group. Then, if I'm still upright around mile 20, I'll see what I can do.
Stats: 5.46 miles in 56:15 for a 10:19mpm pace

Monday, May 9, 2011

A little fall of rain....

Solo birthday run today, but I didn't spend much time celebrating. I did the Sugarhouse Park loop with two laps at the park. There was a constant drizzle of rain, and I spent much of my time mourning the loss of my friend, Gwen, who died from colon cancer over the weekend. Even though she was 3000 miles away, she was such a support when my mom died of the same thing years ago. It's tragic. The last 1/2 lap in the park was really difficult because I was thinking about "A Little Fall of Rain" from Les Miserables and thinking of the 39 year love affair that Gwen and Peter had, and I was on the verge of crying so my throat was so tight that I was literally sucking in air. I will miss her dry wit, her honesty, the soft eyes that always betrayed her cool exterior, and her friendship.
Stats: 7 miles in 1:12:15 for a 10:20mpm pace

Friday, May 6, 2011

and the last four were UGLY

I was wearing the wrong watch, so I had estimated my distance. Dang! I was so close! Oh well. Long runs are BORING without a running partner. I don't know how I suffered through them for five years before starting to run with Carol!
I took my gu too early (around mile six). So, I was wiped out by mile 11 making the next four miles ugly. It was probably lucky for Carol that she wasn't there because I was getting really tired and ornery which would have translated to bitchy or whiney - neither of which I every want to be with her because she is so consistently positive!
I ate a decent amount of pasta last night, but I think that I'm still trying to find the right way to get my protein in sans-meat. I'll figure it out!
It was a good run all over Salt Lake Proper and South Salt Lake. I'm happy that it's done, though!
Stats: 14.91 miles in 2:43:32 for a 10:59mpm pace

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Chilly run but good overall. For some reason, the wood chip path at Liberty was really tiring me out, so I only did it for half the length of the park. I'm hoping that my new food plan (no meat) will give me enough energy for tomorrow's long run.
Stats: 4.6 miles in 48:00 for a 10:27mpm pace

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

glowing snow

Carol is going to start running again next week. I miss the conversation! Today's run was on the Sugarhouse Park route. Nothing too exciting, but I never tire of seeing the sun rays gleaming off of the snow on the mountain tops right before the sun actually peeks over the mountains. I love seeing the snow glow like that.
Stats: 5.5 miles in 56:59 for a 10:20mpm pace

Monday, May 2, 2011

nope - no long run

No. I didn't run long over the weekend. It is, however, a long story. Whatever. I ran the extended Liberty loop this morning and since I forgot my visor I tried to avoide a 7-block stint straight into the sun, so I wound my way through streets that I've never run before. It was nice. It kept my mind off of other things.
Stats: 5 miles in 51:49 for a 10:22mpm pace