Friday, September 3, 2010

torturous long run

Oh. My. Gawd! I was SO tired the second that I walked outside this morning to run. Luckily, I was not the only one. Carol was also wiped. Chalk it up to the beginning of a cold, my cycle, not enough water yesterday, and any other reason to whine. We ran 10ish miles, and every single step of it was hard - even the downhills! I must say, however, that Memory Grove was beautiful this morning! So happy to have that out of the way. Serious tapering begins now. There will be three more runs (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) of 3-5 miles each - just enough to keep the blood circulating in my legs. Wednesday will be gardening at a local school as part of United Way Day, and then take it very easy on Thursday and Friday. 'Thon Saturday! Typing that makes me officially nervous.
Stats: 10.25 miles in 1:54:28 for a 11:11mpm pace

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