Monday, February 16, 2009

coupla' runs

Saturday was the 10K at Saltaire. I didn't go. I didn't register or pay, so I didn't feel obligated to run especially since it was snowing like crazy. So, we took our time at the store, and I finally got out the door when the boys went down for a nap. Liz and I started our run and got a call from my friend, Nate, who DID pay for the winter series and drove all the way up to the GSL from Utah County. He confirmed that the conditions were less than perfect. I'm impressed that he slogged it out in the wind and snow. Our run was pretty decent. The snow had passed, and the sun was out. We did a total of 5.4 miles with a good pace.

Sunday was our long run. We managed to get up early and out the door by 5:45. We ran a 5.5 mile loop, a cemetary lap, and then ran up to Grimm's Gate for a total of 9.7 miles. My pace was slower than I had hoped @ 11:45 mpm, but it was the miles that I had to get in.

Thinking a lot about my diet and my commitment to getting healthier during our runs. I'm really trying to get a handle on that whole thing. It's hard, and sometimes I do great. Other times.....

Also thinking about the plot for our (me and IsaV) NaNoWriMo project coming up in November. I don't think that I'm supposed to be thinking about it - as it's an exercise in writing - but I'm a planner. I can't go into it blind. I've tried, and I just can't seem to keep my mind from it. Plus, I've never even considered fiction. Hell, my non-fiction is boring enough; I have to have some sort of direction. Plus, do I adopt a pen name? Something exotic? Something Manhattan? Something Uni-bomber-holed-up-in-a-shack?

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