Wednesday, April 27, 2011

six weeks until marathon? oh, shit.... (but semester 4 is done!)

Carol is taking it easy because of some hip pain, so I ran alone again today and did one lap from work to Sugarhouse Park and back. That will be the case until next week, at least. I haven't run since last Friday because I was busy with all of the papers for the end of the semester. I'm happy to say that I am done with project sequence 4, and I only have one more to go. Halle-friggin-lujah! So, last night I drank beer and ate chocolate chip cookies while watching Biggest Loser. Oh, yeah - I have quite the system going. That was my one night of doing nothing. Now, I have 16 days until semester 5 starts, and I have tons of stuff to do including running and fund-raising! Marathon is in six weeks. YIKES!
Stats: 5.5 miles in 58:34 for 10:39mpm pace

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