Monday, January 31, 2011

Did you hear that? It was just me.

I felt - and probably sounded - like an elephant thundering through the park today. After ice skating on Saturday (did I mention that I can't skate) and sledding on Sunday (with the hike back up the hill), my legs felt like lead for the entire run. It was a good one, though; a quick Liberty loop at the end of a stressful day.
Stats: 4.5 miles in 46:16 for a 10:17mpm pace

Friday, January 28, 2011

anger = fast

Carol and I had a lunch time run to Liberty and back today. I'm pretty steamed up about something, so I really unintentionally pushed our pace. It was a bit hazy out (only a yellow burn day), but the air didn't bother either of us. The 35* outside felt like 65*! It was really nice (minus the bitching).
Stats: 4.5 miles in 47:24 for 10:32mpm pace

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Get to the point!

Just another run in the park. Alone again this morning as Carol is doing some training, so I had my pepper spray and my phone. FINALLY, I'm being safe... There were only four other people in the park, and the roads were empty after the school bus picked up all those high schoolers who think that it's cool to not wear a jacket in below freezing temperatures. I mean, I've really acclimated to the cold since running through the last two winters, but even I wear a jacket! Anyway (rambling aren't I?), remember that blasted wood-chip path that I bitched about all last spring? I was disappointed when I had to leave it this morning due to the ice and snow on it. 40 pounds lighter, and I think I would be a pretty decent trail runner. Speaking of trails, I can't wait to get our Sunday morning hike "on" this year. The boys and I are going to have a blast! Speaking of Sundays, we're going sledding up near Park City with the gay parents group this weekend! Oh, wait - this is a running blog.....
Stats: 4.5 miles in 47:30 for 10:34mpm pace

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I rock. That's all.

Woo-Friggin-Hoo! I ran on my own this afternoon. The roads and sidewalks were wet and sometimes slushy, but I wanted to push myself anyway. I ran the downton loop, and I frickin' ROCKED IT! Sub-10 pace the entire time!
Stats: 5.46 miles in 54:21 for a 9:58mpm pace

Monday, January 24, 2011

Holy crap for the jog stroller!

I ran while pushing the jog stroller for the first time since last fall. I swear those boys have gained 100 pounds! We did four laps in the cemetary because there was a storm that was blowing in, and I didn't want to be caught far from home if it arrived while we were out and about. (It never did come in.....) Turns out, four laps were PLENTY! It was tough to push them, but at least I know that I got a good workout in!

I have officially signed up for the Utah Valley Marathon on June 11 - just one week after my 1/2 with Rachelle in Timpanogos. Now, I just need to put in the long miles AND RAISE $500 FOR HUNTSMAN CANCER!!! (yeah - because I didn't have enough other stuff to do....) Help me by donating here:

Good morning, Army green

Carol and I ran the extended Liberty loop this morning. We had a lot to talk about, so the time went by quickly. It was chilly, but that didn't stop the Army guys from running in shorts and t-shirts! It's been a long time since we've seen them at the park. We get passed a LOT, but we sure feel safer on those mornings!
Stats: 5.26 miles in 58:17 for a 11:05mpm pace

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's raining - and that's a real excuse

I will run in the snow. I will run in the slush. I will even run in the wind (but it took a lot of years for me to be able to say that). But, I have issues with running in winter rain. Summer rain? Maybe. Winter rain completely sucks.

So, instead, I took my blood pressure. 100/56. Right where I like it to be..... That may (or may not) be all the exercise I get today. If I feel really saucy, I might find an unoccupied lounge area on break and do some balance and core exercises (which I hate - which is obvious from my ample mid-section - which is exactly why I need to do them).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

bitch and moan

Carol and I ran Sugarhouse for the first time in a while. It was a nice, chilly morning, and there were a few people in the park with dogs. I spent a lot of time complaining about Bub; she spent a lot of time listening. The hills weren't awful; we powered up them pretty well.
Stats: 5.97 miles in 1:06:19 for a 11:07mpm pace

Friday, January 14, 2011

Excuses, excuses - ACK!

This was a quick run in SSL by myself. It snowed last night, and the roads were slushy. Here I am in 600+ mile shoes with little tread. I stayed in the middle of the street as much as possible because the slush was slippery. I have school in an hour, so I had to keep it rather short. However, after about 30 minutes of excuses, I managed to get my lazy butt out of the door. I'm glad that I did it. Excuses are my downfall. I can find a million reasons not to do a thing at all. Yay for me today! (Oh, and yay for a sub-11 pace!)
Stats: 4.06 miles in 44:04 for a 10:52mpm pace

Thursday, January 13, 2011

just another day in the park

Nice easy run on our Liberty route. A lot of "talking it out" about work. It was a good run. Two days in a row? Look at me burn it up.
Stats: 5.06 miles in 57:14 for 11:19mpm pace

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cold, schmold!

We had a niiiiice run today. We both got tired towards the end, but that's because we just (unintentionally) took four days off. The weather in these parts has been COLD (9*, 11*, never getting over 25*). While "cold" doesn't usually bother us, 9* is a bit much, and it makes for icy roads to boot! Air quality has been awful, so we just do the best with what we have. Running in the afternoons is an option, but it's hard to squeeze runs in between meetings and requests from system end users. So, it was nice to get outside today in the 19*-feels-like-12*. We ran downtown and right past the KUTV studios. You may have seen us run by Debbie Worthen during one of her weather reports as she was broadcasting from the sidewalk. Debbie, here, is a runner, too!
Stats: 6 miles in 1:06:00 for 11mpm pace

Thursday, January 6, 2011

it's not good when you can taste the air

Today's run was hard for some reason for both me and Carol! I have a sore muscle in the middle of my back. I think that it's from excess holiday weight, and not exercising for-like-ever. Both of these things are resulting in horrible posture, ridiculous form, and flailing limbs. Equals sore muscles. Additionally, neither of us have properly hydrated today, nor did we sleep well. Add an orange burn day (which means that I could occasionally taste the air), and it was just a miserable run. We took a lot of walk breaks, and we rejoiced every red light. UG! Just not a great run.
Stats: 4.51 miles in 51:15 for 11:08mpm pace

first run of 2011

My first run of the new year didn't happen for five days? (In my defense, Bub was sick for days, and it was too cold to take the boys out in the jog stroller.) This is going to be a tough year. Carol and I did a lunch run to Liberty and back. It's a good thing that we went when we did. Had we gone early in the morning, we surely would have slipped on ice since it was everywhere!
Stats: 4.5 miles in 48:00 for a 10:40mpm pace

Saturday, January 1, 2011

JEEZ-us! Are you joking with that pant size?

Roch and I are hell-bent on losing weight this year. I'll never be svelt, but something other than fat would be refreshing.


I.A.T.E. (For convenience, I think I'll pronounce it eee-ah-tay.). Repeat mantra millions of times. Possibly share with others in 365 days. Doesn't really matter what it means except to me.