We made it to the exchange where I changed my clothes again and we tried (again in vain) to sleep. I’ve decided that sleep is just a suggestion – not something that actually happens during a Ragnar relay.
Our boys made it back right on time as Carol left the exchange point. I had the next leg, and they were tired, so they went on ahead to try and catch some sleep while we ran. Carol did an awesome job (as always) but was happy to finally be done.
After she handed off to me, I ran about 20 steps before deciding that I just wanted to give it up. UG! My legs felt like they weighed 200 pounds each! But, it was no time for whiners. This section was thankfully classified as moderate, and had the illusion of more downhill than the elevation chart indicated.
This leg ended in a nice little town on the edge of the red rock canyon. It was really beautiful. I handed off to Justin who was running a double leg. We had joked during Carol’s leg that he would pretend to hand off to someone else when he really would hand off to himself at the exchange. The look on Carol’s face when he “handed off” to himself was priceless as she thought he was going to give the wrist strap to her. Unfortunately, he kind of twinged his knee during the turn around, and it irritated him for the next three miles.
Yeah – three miles. Well, that was the plan. However, the porta-potty company delivered the johns to the wrong location, so Justin’s journey was a mile longer than planned. Ever the trooper, he just sucked it up and did it.
To the great joy of all women who run, Justin handed off to Sterling, so the male beauty just continued. Add that to the landscape, and for straight women everywhere, it was a scenic day. For our part, we drove to the next exchange point so that Brady could pick up the last leg. We were excited for the end of the race because that always means a shower!
Brady took the wrist strap from Sterling and took off like a shot (as we’ve come to know by now as typical Brady). He raced another kid who looked to be the same age for the entire leg. He never needed anything from us, so we finally went ahead to the host hotel . Unfortunately, we weren’t fast enough and Brady and the rest of the team had to wait for us to run across the finish line. Well, actually, they chose to wait. Honestly, they should have just gone ahead without our stinking asses!
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