I've just not been posting! Here's a catch-up:
I ran around the Cottonwood Heights area where the in-laws live. We had spent the night at their house because Granny was having surgery, and Bub was going with her. We didn't want to get the boys up at 5:15 to get into town in time for the pre-op, so we just slept over. It was a good run, and I followed it with strength training (lunges, crunches, push-ups, curls) in Granny's basement.
She is doing well, but could be a bit better. Her tremors have pretty much stopped in her right hand/arm for the first time in 70 years. She has a follow-up surgery next week to hook up the pacemaker-type thing. I don't understand why the surgeon only did one of her extremities. She has one steady hand and one shaky hand and two shaky legs. It makes no sense to me. She, however, is happy that she did it.
stats: 3.4 miles in 36:05 for a 10:37mpm pace
Nice and easy before yoga.
Stats: 3 miles in 33 minutes for an 11mpm pace
My intention was to run before coming in to work since I was coming in a bit later than usual. Instead, I slept in. Then, I got up, ate, showered, got dressed, got the boys in the car, and realized that I would still be getting to work at 6:30am - enough time to run. Yay - sort of. I really didn't want to. It was nice to sleep in and be lazy! But, I grabbed my running clothes anyway. I changed as soon as I got to work and got on the roads as quickly as possible so that I couldn't change my mind. 6 miles later, I'm very happy that I did it. It was 63*-65* the whole time, and I felt really good. I pushed the hills, avoided walk breaks, and had a great pace to show for it!
Stats: 6 miles in 1:03:29 for a 10:35mpm pace
This was not a difficult run. It was short because I had to do a training with the UK folks at 7am, so we had to be back and cleaned up quickly. We just did a short loop in SoSaLa. The time went by quickly because of the good conversation. Nothing too exciting by way of running, though!
Stats: 3.63 miles in 40:13 for a 11:05mpm pace
Carol was off work today, so I had a solo run. With a training session for UK employees scheduled at 7am, I had only 50 minutes to run and 15 to get ready. Let's just say that right now, I'm only 1/2 ready for the day. My hair is a mess! Anyway, I decided to only do the Liberty loop. When I got there, I started thinking ahead to the 10k that I plan to do in September. It's half dirt/road and half paved, so I thought that I should run the wood chip path at the park. Well, it's obviously been a long time since I did that! It was harder than it should have been. Shows what I need to work on, right?
Stats: 4.5 miles in 47:06 for a 10:28mpm pace