Friday, August 28, 2009


still slow - 4.5 miles @ 12mpm pace - maybe I need a couple more recovery days? Had a nervous moment, though. I was just starting my run and went past a guy who asked if I could help him. Me: woman, no jog partner, no dog, no pepper spray, no cell phone. Him: bit bigger than me, open car, open trunk, stranger. Circumstances: dark, 5:45 am, South Salt Lake, no other people around. My gut said: tell him no and keep running. I stayed on very busy (and exhaust filled) streets after that. But, he was probably just a normal, nice guy. I feel bad that I didn't stop, but I know that it was the smart thing to do.

1 comment:

Deene said...

smart move. he wasn't locked out of his car.